“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”

― Angela Davis

about me.

At my core, I am an organizer centering the power of bringing people together – a weaver that sees connections across organizations, people, ideas, and movements. I bring over 15 years of experience managing multi-sector projects, leadership development, and training at the graduate-level and in community spaces. Growing up in a difficult financial situation, including losing our family home, brought moments of tremendous shame; however, it also greatly informed the work I do and my approach to doing it. I have been a waiter, field director, housekeeper, consultant, board member, statewide project lead, fishing boat cleaner, union organizer, small business owner, and graduate school faculty member. I am uniquely adept at being creative with resources and connecting across differences. My passion and aliveness come from working to co-create systems rooted in equity, compassion, and mutuality.

I have had the pleasure of working with individuals, students, and groups on deepening their commitment for social change, and developing their practices to employ that commitment. Across all aspects of social change work, I prioritize the importance of relationships. I bring experience with mindfulness, accountability as a high form of love, and finding your purpose. I believe systemic change requires centering those most impacted, while simultaneously grappling with and addressing the ways that oppression and supremacy play out in organizations, in movement spaces, and in ourselves.

I live on unceded Ohlone land in Oakland, CA with my partner and kiddo.

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